Running a successful branch AGM

Each branch must hold an AGM for all members each year. This should be held where possible in January to enable the election of branch officers, workplace representatives and MSW advocates for the year ahead and to sign off the annual statement of receipts and payments, and the annual branch review before they are submitted to RCM headquarters. Further information on running a branch AGM can be found in the RCM Branch Governance Handbook and on the AGM guide.

  • Branch information form (needs to be completed and returned to HQ annually)
  • Annual branch health check (to be discussed, completed and returned to HQ annually)
  • All Activists on being elected must provide a valid Activist email address which can only be accessed by them or another branch officer or workplace representative. In standing for election you understand that the RCM will email you with regular activists updates and this include invitations to training opportunities for your role as an activist. Activists are not able to opt out of these communications as the are part of your role in the Trade Union and as such does not impinge on your rights under GDPR.

Please return essential documents for the Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) to

Accreditation and election forms
Useful guidance