There are almost 200 RCM branches across all four countries of the UK, which undertake a broad range of activities in their local workplaces.

Go to the Activists Hub to find out more

These activities include representing members individually, addressing workplace issues, hosting branch learning events, supporting members to attend RCM conferences and events, celebrating midwifery locally and reimbursing expenses incurred by workplace representatives while supporting members.

View the latest news and updates for our increasingly active branches here in our Branch Updates.



The branch chair presides over meetings and is the key person controlling the meetings, maintaining good order, ensuring that all members have an opportunity to express their views and deciding when a subject needs to be put to a vote. It is the chair’s responsibility along with the secretary to draw up an agenda.

The branch secretary is responsible for the smooth running of the branch, arranging meetings and keeping members informed of branch/headquarter activities. Besides doing this, and compiling minutes of the meetings, the secretary is the official correspondent of the branch with the RCM, trusts/boards and other organisations. In this respect, headquarters will send information of RCM matters and policy to the secretary and will receive details of branch activities from their members.

The treasurer’s duties include paying bills, scrutinising expenditure, informing the branch of its financial position, advising on the necessity to raise funds and preparing statements of receipts. The treasurer is responsible for the proper recording of all financial transactions. It is not the responsibility of the treasurer to raise money; the treasurer is acting for the branch and RCM headquarters.

Stewards carry out a number of responsibilities including representing midwives and MSWs in their workplace/trust/board when necessary, in addition to recruiting midwives, MSWs and student midwives into the RCM.

Health and safety representatives are workplace representatives who assist and advise other members on health and safety policy and procedures which may have an impact on their working environment.

Responsibilities include: investigating potential hazards and the causes of accidents and making representations to employers on health, safety and welfare matters.

RCM learning representatives (LRs) are workplace representatives who assist and advise other members on their training and development needs, lead on organising learning activities and promote opportunities to access learning.

The MSW Advocate role acts as a spokesperson for MSWs and encourages MSWs to join the RCM. It is not a formally accredited representative role and we encourage any MSW member or Advocate to stand as an RCM Workplace Representative should they wish to. Both Midwife and MSW RCM members can be elected into the role of MSW Advocate and this can compliment any other representative role that a member wishes to fulfil.

We have i-learn modules available for the above roles which outline the key activities for each activist role. Our RCM activists' annual training programme for branch officers, workplace representatives and MSW advocates is available in our Events section.

If you are a current branch officer and would like to update the RCM of changes to officer roles, please download the Branch Information Form and return to

If you have new workplace reps or MSW advocates to advise, please submit the relevant accreditation forms. You can visit the Workplace Representatives section for more guidance.

Support for your Branch and getting more involved

If you want to get involved with your RCM branch, speak to your branch officers or workplace reps. If you are not sure who to speak to, you can call RCM Connect on 0300 303 0444.

If you require support with your branch, please contact your RCM regional/national officer or organiser.

Setting up a Branch

If you do not have an active branch or would like to set up an employer-based branch, please contact

If the branch is setting up a Unity Bank account, an application form needs to be completed online. For guidance documents, branch treasurers can visit our Branch Resources page.

RCM promotional resources for your branch

If you are an RCM activist and holding an event such as a learning event, recruitment event or any other activity, you can log onto the storefront to order recruitment forms, RCM promotional items and guidance leaflets to promote your local branch and maintain your workplace RCM notice board.

Please note that the storefront is only available to RCM branch officers, workplace representatives and MSW advocates. 

Members who require materials need to contact the RCM directly.

To order, please follow the instructions below.

If you have any problems, please contact RCM Connect at 0300 303 0444.
