Honours and RCM Honorary Fellows

As an exemplary organisation, the RCM tries to make sure that exceptional people are identified and given the recognition they deserve. We have two main ways of doing that.

  1. The RCM can include the names of such people on The Register of Honorary Fellows of the RCM
  2. The RCM can nominate people for National Honours

The Register of Honorary Fellows of the RCM

The Register of Honorary Fellows is for people who make an outstanding contribution, or give outstanding service, to midwifery, maternity services, services for women and their families or to the RCM. This award is made by the RCM itself.

Meet the RCM's Current Honorary Fellows.

How to make a Nomination

Without alerting the person that you are doing so, write to the CEO at The Royal College of Midwives, 15 Mansfield Street, London W1G 9NH or send an email to gill.walton@rcm.org.uk including the following information:

About you:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your RCM membership number
  3. Your postal address
  4. Your e-mail address
  5. Your telephone number

About the person you wish to nominate:

  1. Her / his full name
  2. Her / his postal address
  3. Her / his e-mail address (if known)
  4. Her / his telephone number (if known)
  5. Describe as best you can the outstanding contribution, or outstanding service, made by the person you are nominating. Please use your own words and do not submit academic type CVs
  6. When was that outstanding contribution made or the outstanding services performed?
  7. Give the names and addresses of any persons who support the nomination

National Honours

National Honours are awarded to people from all walks of life and all sections of society who have made a difference to their community. National Honours are not awarded by the RCM but the RCM can nominate people or might support nominations put forward by others. There are several different types of award, each one recognising a different type of contribution. The contribution could include any of the following.

  • making a difference to their community or field of work
  • bringing distinction to British life and enhancing its reputation
  • exemplifying the best sustained and selfless voluntary service
  • demonstrating innovation and entrepreneurship
  • carrying the respect of their peers
  • changing things, with an emphasis on achievement
  • improving the lot of those less able to help themselves
  • displaying moral courage and vision in making and delivering tough choices

Visit Direct.gov.uk for more information.

Nominations go through several stages before reaching the Honours and Appointments Secretariat of the Cabinet Office. It can take 18 months or more for a nomination to complete all stages of the process, so it is important to identify people who should be nominated before they retire.

How to make a Nomination

Without alerting the person that you are doing so, do your best to complete a nomination form and send it by email to pattie.taylor@rcm.org.uk.

To avoid disappointment if no honour is awarded, it is very important that you do this without the knowledge of the person you wish to be nominated.

Honorary Fellow Gail Johnson with RCM President Kathryn Gutteridge

Honorary Fellow Gail Johnson with RCM President Kathryn Gutteridge
