'Continuity of carer undoubtedly improves care for women’ says RCM as it launches new online learning resource for members

By RCM on 27 April 2018 Midwifery Continuity of Carer - MCOC MSWs - Maternity Support Workers RCM i-Learn

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has launched a new i-learn module on continuity of carer. The online learning resource was developed with support from NHS England and aims to help midwives and maternity support workers (MSWs) develop a better understanding about continuity of carer in midwifery.

The Better Births National Maternity Review for England and The Best Start review in Scotland recommend that continuity of carer be used as the central model of care in both countries.

To support our members to better understand the importance of this model of care the RCM saw an urgent need to develop a learning resource that would answer a host of important questions.

Questions explored in the RCM’s new i-learn module of midwifery continuity of carer include; 

  • What is the evidence that continuity improves outcomes?
  • What is the proposed model of care?
  • What would the working week of a continuity midwife look like?
  •  What do we need to have in place to make continuity work for midwives and women?

In addition to this introductory online learning resource the RCM is currently hosting a series of ‘continuity of carer’ workshops across the UK and  another online learning resource is in development which  will focus on practical strategies for scale up and roll out later in the year.

Commenting, Dr Mary Ross Davie, RCM’s Director for Scotland and the RCM’s organisational led on continuity of carer said; “The RCM supports the principal that every woman across the UK should have a high level of midwifery continuity of carer.

“There is no doubt that continuity of care and carer improves care for women. We also know that it is a way of delivering safe maternity services that women value – improving outcomes and experience. This is why it is at the heart of government policies for maternity services not just in England, but in Scotland too.

“This new resource will support our members in developing their understanding of midwifery continuity of carer and how it can work for midwives as well as the families we care for. I recommend this great resource to our members – it’s practical, informative and engaging.’ 

Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, Head of Maternity, Children & Young People for NHS England, said: “All local areas now have guidance that will support the implementation of continuity of carer for mums-to-be in line with ambitious national targets.

“The RCM’s new i-learn resource will support midwives, maternity support workers and all those working in maternity services to implement this way of working which is associated with improved outcomes and improved maternity experiences for women, babies and their families across the country.”




Read the RCM's new guidance on ‘Continuity of Carer’


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Notes to editors


The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at https://www.rcm.org.uk/
