RCM welcomes investment by Scottish Government to help mothers breastfeed for longer

By RCM on 30 July 2018 RCM Scotland Breastfeeding Scottish Government Midwives Scotland

The Scottish Government have today pledged to help support mothers in Scotland to breastfeed for longer through a £2 million pound investment programme.

The additional funding, which comes ahead of World Breastfeeding Week, will be used by health boards and other partners to prevent or manage common issues which can affect how long mums breastfeed for.

The investment aims to address the government's commitment through its Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan to reduce the drop off in breastfeeding rates at six to eight weeks after birth by 10% by 2025.

This follows advice from the World Health Organisation which shows that as well as giving babies the best nutritional start in life breastfeeding can improve the long-term health of mothers and children and prevent obesity. 

Responding to the announcement, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Director for Scotland, Dr .Mary Ross Davie said; “The RCM very much welcomes todays announcement by the Scottish Government. This additional funding will go towards helping new mothers to start and sustain breastfeeding for longer if they choose to do so.

“Investment in postnatal care services and specialist midwives to enable each woman to get the support and advice she needs to make informed choices about feeding her baby are vital.

“We know that often our postnatal services are underfunded and times overstretched so we hope that health boards in Scotland will now be able to use this money to provide high quality consistent postnatal support for all women.

“For women who choose to breastfeed it is so important that they feel supported not only by midwives and maternity support workers, but by their family and friends too. Women should not feel guilty or embarrassed about breastfeeding in public and as a society we must continue to develop a culture of positive support for women who wish to breastfeed and educating the public is key to this.”




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