We must ensure women can access the right services to support a healthy lifestyle says RCM on new BMJ study

By RCM on 05 July 2018 Obesity Pregnancy Midwives BMJ Study - British Medical Journal Advice Good Health

‘Children of mothers who follow a healthy lifestyle have a substantially lower risk of developing obesity than children of mothers who don’t make healthy lifestyle choices’ that’s according to a new study published in the British Medical Journal(BMJ) today (July 5th). The findings show that risk was lowest among children whose mothers maintained a healthy weight, exercised regularly, did not smoke, ate a healthy diet, and were light to moderate drinkers.

The study has also highlighted the potential benefits of parent based strategies to curb childhood obesity.

Commenting Louise Silverton, Director for Midwifery at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “The evidence around the benefits of a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy are strong and growing. What is needed is more support for women and their families to change to a healthier lifestyle and not just in pregnancy. It is equally important to be as healthy as possible before becoming pregnant and in all our lives generally.

“We need to ensure that women are able to get access to the right services to support a healthy lifestyle behaviours such as being smoke free, eating a varied diet, being an ideal weight and taking regular and frequent exercise . We also need to see more education in schools about healthier lifestyles because it is never too early to give people this message.”

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