RCM comments on correct seat belt use for pregnant women

By RCM on 10 May 2018 Advice Midwives RCM Pregnancy Driving While Pregnant

Research commissioned by a UK child safety group into seatbelt use while pregnant has revealed that 45.9% of women, when asked whether they knew of the correct way to wear a seat belt while pregnant, said no.

It also found that almost a fifth (19.4%) of women said they sometimes chose not to wear a seat belt at all during pregnancy because of the discomfort. 

Commenting Mervi Jokinen, Professional Advisor at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) said; “The results of this research have been combined with findings from a similar study in 2014, and the RCM welcomes the role of this type of research in highlighting the importance of wearing a seatbelt correctly in pregnancy.

“NHS choices* advises women to wear their seatbelt with the cross strap between their breasts and the lap strap across their pelvis under their bump, not across bump and the RCM supports this advice.

If in any doubt about this women should speak to their midwife who will be able to offer further advice and support.

“The research also shows that getting enough rest in pregnancy is hugely important, not just for the woman and baby’s wellbeing, but also for the mother’s safety when driving. It is very easy to become over-tired when pregnant and we would encourage women to have regular rest breaks if possible.”

*NHS Choices – Read more on Travelling in Pregnancy here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/travel-pregnant/#car-travel-in-pregnancy

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