RCM event tonight discusses how best to support survivors of FGM

By RCM on 24 May 2018 FGM - Female Genital Mutilation

This evening the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) will continue its campaign to end female genital mutilation (FGM) by 2030 as it brings together a panel of survivors, experts and activists to discuss Ending FGM: Where Next?.

The discussion will be chaired by ITV news correspondent Ronke Phillips and panellists include FGM survivors, Zimran Samuel, Human Rights Barrister with expertise in children law (Doughty Chambers, Lethen Bartholomew Head of the National FGM Centre, Inspector Allen Davis (Metropolitan Police Service, London), and young End FGM campaigners, Mabel Evans of Vavengers and Muna Hassan End FGM Campaigner and co-founder of Integrate UK. Many experts will make their contribution from the floor. including the dynamic Head teacher from Norbury school,  Harrow who has been at the forefront of safeguarding in schools.

The intention of the RCM’s event End FGM: Where next?  is to explore what else the campaign and campaigners need to do to End FGM;  specifically, how best to support survivors of FGM and protect girls at risk of FGM. It will also explore and discuss why there has not been a successful prosecution to date. The discussion will focus on audience contribution and expert participation to develop a coherent message on what UK governments need to do to end FGM

Commenting Janet Fyle, Professional Policy Advisor at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) says; “The aim of this event and discussion is really to look at where we need to go next in the fight to end FGM. While we have made some progress in the UK there is much more to do. I simply do not think this is a priority amongst those who are charged with implementing policies to end FGM and that is worrying and possibly verging on indifference.

“The Government promised to provide health and physiological care for survivors. Unfortunately what we are now seeing is specialist clinics which provide support to FGM survivors being closed down. Some of these services being moved into trusts further with the possibility that they may not turn up for care and support.

“The law has not served survivors of FGM well; there have been prosecutions recently that in our view has made it even more difficult for young girls and women in this country to come forward to report that something bad happened to them.

“It’s also vital that we continue to support midwives and other healthcare professionals with identifying and reporting FGM in their day to day practice. Regardless of the practice environment, it is crucial that where vulnerable women and girls present to services at NHS Trusts or GP practices where FGM is identified, that the correct services are in place to support survivors of FGM.”

In 2013, the intercollegiate Group of Medical Royal Colleges, the CPHVA activists and FGM survivors developed a ground-breaking initiative which looked at how best health, education, social care systems and the police can work together to protect girls at risk of FGM. This resulted in the publication of the Intercollegiate Recommendations for Identifying, Recording and Reporting FGM*.

The event takes place tonight at Asia House, New Cavendish St, London W1G 7LP.

*Tackling FGM in the UK Intercollegiate recommendations for identifying, recording  and reporting https://www.equalitynow.org/sites/default/files/Intercollegiate_FGM_report.pdf

View a series of short animations produced by the RCM on the impact of FGM at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC33RQaJyF3H5EyVlzY3V3rw

A Voice From Within - A Community’s perspective on Ending FGM

Read more information about the RCM’s campaigning work to stop violence against women and girls.


To contact the RCM Media Relations Team call 020 7312 3456 or email media@rcm.org.uk.


Notes to editors

The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at https://www.rcm.org.uk/
