RCM publishes new position statement on ‘Continuity of Carer’ and introduces new learning game

on 29 November 2018 Midwifery Continuity of Carer - MCOC

Today, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) publish a revised position statement on Midwifery Continuity of Carer (MCOC) and also releases a brand new interactive game to improve outcomes with this care model.

The publication of the RCM’s position statement and the release of its game, Continuity Counts, form the next stage of the college’s continuing work to support midwives and midwifery leaders with implementing a substantial shift in maternity care, and to do so in a way that works for midwives, their colleagues and the families they care for.

The statement, which revises that made in 2016, reiterates the college’s belief that this model in midwifery should become the core model of maternity care. The statement also sets out the conditions that the RCM believes must be in place to ensure that it can be successfully and sustainably implemented.  These conditions include: ring-fenced investment in its implementation; safe levels of midwifery and wider maternity team staffing; team-working and mutual respect between different parts of maternity services; and evaluation of the impact of the changes for families and staff.

Gill Walton, Chief Executive Officer for the RCM, said:

“The Royal College of Midwives supports the recommendations of both the English and Scottish maternity policies, which place continuity of carer at the centre of our maternity care system: that is, enabling a woman to build a relationship with her midwife and a small team of health professionals throughout her pregnancy and into the early days of parenting.  We know that continuity of carer improves outcomes for women and babies, and that it can improve job satisfaction for midwives too.”

The Continuity Counts game is an interactive board game that sets out the number of births a team of six midwives will attend throughout the year, and then lets them look in more detail at how a month in the life of a continuity midwife might look and feel. It was developed by the RCM Continuity Team as a way for small teams of midwives to understand more about the caseload proposed in the English and Scottish policies, and has been tested across Scotland and England at ‘Train the Trainer’ events with senior midwives. It will be available through the RCM network of regional and national officers and organisers, and will be offered to all Trusts and Boards across the UK. 

Dr Mary Ross-Davie, the RCM’s Director for Scotland and lead for its Continuity of Carer work, said:

“Our Continuity Counts game will be run across the country by our network of RCM branches, bringing midwives together to talk more about how continuity of care might work in a fun way.”

Visit our Position Statements page to read our MCOC Position Statement.

To contact the RCM Media Office, call 020 7312 3456 or email media@rcm.org.uk 




Notes to editors


The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at https://www.rcm.org.uk/.
