Victory for common sense and rights of women says RCM on Isle of Man Abortion Bill developments

on 08 November 2018 Abortion

The Isle of Man Government has moved to take abortion out of criminal law and introduce safe buffer zones around clinics.

The Abortion Reform Bill 2018 has passed through all stages in the Tynwald, the Isle of Man's legislature, and is awaiting the granting of royal assent by the Queen's Lieutenant-General on 20 November. It is expected to come into force in mid-2019.

Commenting, Suzanne Tyler, Director for Services to Members at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “There is still some distance to travel before this becomes law. But, it is a welcome and important moment and an example we want to see followed by Westminster politicians.

“The RCM along with other health organisations has been campaigning for this in the Isle of Man and elsewhere in the UK, and gave evidence to the Isle of Man Government consultation on decriminalising abortion that has led to this.

“This is a victory for common sense and most importantly, the rights of women. For too long women have been denied the right to make their own decisions about their own bodies. This is about trusting and supporting women to make their choices about their bodies and their lives.

“The UK Government must now follow this lead so that women elsewhere in the UK can also make decisions without being criminalised.”

See the RCM Position Statement on Abortion.

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