RCM comments on MP Diane Johnson's 10 Minute Rule Bill on the decriminalisation of abortion in the UK

on 23 October 2018 Abortion Northern Ireland

RCM comments on MP Diane Johnson's 10 Minute Rule Bill on the decriminalisation of abortion in the UK.

Commenting, Suzanne Tyler Executive Director for Services to Members at The Royal College of Midwives said: “This is a very welcome result and another step in the right direction for We Trust Women and their campaign which we support. Because this is what this is all about, trusting and supporting women to make their choices about their bodies and their lives. 


“The RCM also calls on MPs to support Stella Creasy and Conor McGinn’s amendment to tomorrow’s Northern Ireland Bill.  This is essentially saying that because there is no government to sort this out in Northern Ireland, the UK Government in Westminster must step in to resolve this issue. The situation there is leading to abuse of women’s human rights, whether intended or not, and this must be changed.”


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