RCM concerned at new public health cuts figures

on 20 September 2018 Public Health

Figures released today from the Labour party say that 85% of councils are reducing public health budgets this year as cuts hit services.

Commenting on the figures, Clare Livingstone, Professional Policy Advisor at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “Looking at these figures we are very concerned. We are already seeing cuts to smoking cessation services so any further plans to reduce these or their budgets are a real concern. Reducing smoking in pregnancy is one of the best things we can do to reduce stillbirths, and reducing stillbirths is rightly one of the key health targets for the Government, so these cuts appear to fly in the face of that policy.

“Cuts to public health are the wrong thing to do when we have an already overburdened NHS. We need to invest in public health, to try to make a healthier population, which will in turn reduce the stress and demand on the NHS. The cuts are not logical, not wise and will not serve to improve the health of the nation, including pregnant women and their babies.”

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