Action needed to improve the health and wellbeing of all NHS staff says RCM

on 26 February 2019 Survey Stress Staffing Levels NHS

Today the results of the NHS Staff Survey 2018 have been published.

The survey was sent to over 300 NHS organisations in England and over 1.1 million healthcare workers responded including midwives.

Responding, Jon Skewes Executive Director at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) said; “These latest NHS staff survey results are concerning.

“Discrimination in the NHS must be tackled and stopped. The NHS needs to make sure that staff are respected and treated fairly and equitably.

"It’s also disappointing that only 15 percent of those surveyed said that their employer was taking positive action on staff health and wellbeing and this has not improved upon last years results.

“Our research has shown us that when midwives physical and mental wellbeing is supported, employee involvement and retention increases, motivation and performance levels increase and outcomes for women improve. The RCM believes investment in the health and wellbeing of staff is an investment in care for women and their families.

“All NHS staff face enormous day to day work pressures and sadly this often becomes serious work related stress and amongst midwives this appears to be particularly high. Just last week the Health Secretary Matt Hancock  announced a package of measures to better support the mental health of NHS workers and the RCM would like to see those support measures in place as quickly as possible.



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Notes to editors

The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at
