‘Positive step’ says RCM on overhaul of NHS incident reporting system

on 01 July 2019 Safety Learning Multi Disciplinary Working

This week it is reported that an overhaul of the NHS incident reporting system will allow NHS staff, patients and families to report safety concerns instantly via their mobile phones.  It will be unveiled next week at the Health Service Journal’s Patient Safety Congress.

Commenting on the news, Suzanne Tyler, Executive Director for Services to Members at the Royal College of Midwives, said: "We will need to see the detail when the strategy is published, but this looks like a very positive step towards improving the safety of our NHS services.

"It is critical when things go wrong that it is reported as quickly as possible. This is so that the learning from it can be used and action taken to try to prevent it from happening again.

"It is also critical as part of this process that trusts organise systems to allow multi-disciplinary teams to come together to reflect on incidents and learn from them.

"The safety of the people the NHS cares for must always be the bedrock upon which it delivers care."

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