RCM welcomes launch of Government consultation on mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid

on 12 June 2019 Folic Acid

The Government have launched a consultation on the mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid in a bid to tackle fetal abnormalities.

Commenting on the announcement, Clare Livingstone, Professional Policy Advisor at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), said: “The RCM is delighted that the Government have now launched this consultation. We have been calling for this for sometime now and will be responding to the consultation.

“Introducing the mandatory fortification of flour will bring the UK in line with over many other countries including the United States and Canada. They have this in place because the evidence about the benefits is very strong. In those countries the impact has been a marked reduction in incidences of fetal abnormality.

“Not all pregnancies are planned meaning many women will not have taken folic acid around the time of conception and very early in their pregnancy.  This is when folic acid is most effective and that is why this announcement is so welcome.

“Folic acid fortification of flour will significantly help to reduce the number of fetal anomalies related to neural tube defects. The sooner this is done, the sooner this will start to happen


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