RCM welcomes Wales student midwife bursary announcement

on 19 June 2019 Bursaries and Scholarships Student midwives Student attrition

Today the Welsh Government has announced that it will maintain bursaries for those electing to study an eligible health related programme, including midwifery. This arrangement is intended to be in place for those electing to study an eligible healthcare-related programme in Wales commencing in the academic year 2020/2021. 

Commenting, Helen Rogers, Royal College of Midwives Director for Wales, said: “This is very welcome news. It will bring some financial certainty and stability for those intending to enter midwifery in that academic year.  

“That the Welsh Government is not going down the same road as England, where bursaries have been scrapped, is to be applauded. It is vital for student midwives that the bursary is retained. 

"Many student midwives already carry debt from a first degree and would not be able to train as a midwife without the bursary. Without the bursary we would almost certainly see a fall in applications to midwifery from those in lower income families and also mature students.

“This is a great move but we need to go further. I call on the Welsh Government to commit to keeping the bursary many years into the future. We need to be sending a message to younger people such as those in school thinking about future careers and choices. They need to know now that they can train as a midwife when they reach the right age, with a bursary to support them through it."

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The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at https://www.rcm.org.uk/.

