Sheffield Hallam student named Pregnacare® Student midwife of the year

on 06 March 2019 Pregnacare RCM Annual Midwifery Awards

A student midwife from Sheffield Hallam University has been named Pregnacare® Student Midwife of the Year at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Annual Midwifery Awards 2019

Katy Ellis was presented with her award at a prestigious ceremony in London on March 6th by BBC One Show Presenter Alex Jones.

The Pregnacare® student midwife of the year award recognises an individual student midwife who makes an outstanding contribution to their future profession. This accolade is awarded to a student midwife who acts as an advocate for midwifery role model to other students.

Throughout her time at Sheffield Hallam University Katy has been an ambassador for midwifery education inspiring and supporting many students.

Katy who is President of the Student Midwifery society at Sheffield Hallam has also assisted in the organisation of study days promoting inter-professional working.

Last summer Katy also further demonstrated her commitment to midwifery by undertaking a voluntary elective placement during the summer break.

Commenting, Gill Walton Chief Executive and General Secretary at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) said; “It’s truly inspiring to see student midwives like Katy who are so dedicated and passionate about entering the midwifery profession and who encourage others to do the same.

“The work Katy has also done to establish a strong midwifery society within the university that runs learning events that are relevant to the world that midwives practice in is so important. It’s also so imperative that we as midwives understand how vital good multi-disciplinary team work is in improving outcomes for both mother and baby and that is why its so fantastic to see student midwives such a Katy organising learning around this area of maternity care.

I heartily congratulate Katy on this achievement and thank her and her fellow midwifery students for their dedication, skill and commitment to learning as well as the care they show to mothers, babies and their families.”

Deputy Head of Department and Lead Midwife for Education, Rachael Spencer said

‘We could not be more proud of Katy. It is an incredible achievement to be named as the RCM Pregnacare Award for Student Midwife of the Year 2019. Katy shows outstanding initiative, leadership skills and professionalism that will see her flourish as she progresses in her midwifery career.

Susanne Bisinotto, for Pregnacare vitamins said, “Katy is being recognised as the Student Midwife of the Year for representing her cohorts voice and providing a strong support network, driving engagement with other professionals and organisations and leading by example. Katy consistently demonstrates care and commitment in seizing opportunities to make a positive impact for others whilst studying to become a midwife. Congratulations Katy!”

For more information on the RCM Annual Midwifery Awards click here:

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Notes to editors

The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at
