RCM welcomes commitment to reduce health inequalities in SNP Manifesto

By RCM welcomes commitment to reduce health inequalities in SNP Manifesto on 27 November 2019 Scotland RCM Scotland Scottish Maternity Services Brexit

Today the Scottish National Party published their General Election Manifesto. Commenting on the manifesto, Mary Ross-Davie, Director for Scotland at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “The RCM is committed to protecting the NHS and lobbying to ensure it has the funding needed to provide safe, high quality maternity care in all parts of the UK.

“We believe that Brexit will have damaging effects on the NHS and maternity services and have been consistent in our calls for a second referendum on the issue of UK membership of the EU.  

“Midwives are very aware of the devastating impact of poverty on the health of women and the long term health of their children. So we welcome political commitments to reduce inequalities in our societies across the UK. We know that women living in poverty are more likely to smoke, be obese and have a range of complications in pregnancy and birth and that their children have poorer outcomes.

“The RCM therefore welcomes the SNP’s manifesto commitments to protecting the NHS. These commitments include their call to match Scottish per capita NHS funding across the UK and, the introduction of the UK NHS Protection Act to guard against trade deals which undermine the founding principles of the NHS.

“We also welcome the proposals to reduce poverty and inequality, particularly for new families; including calling for the UK Government to end the two child cap on tax credits and a halt to universal credit.

“The RCM supports the SNP’s call for a second vote on UK membership of the EU, as we are clear that Brexit will have a significant impact on maternity services.

“We commend their plans to call for an increase in parental rights including paid maternity leave. We believe that these policies could help to reduce some of the pressures midwives feel in the NHS across all four countries of the UK and, could contribute to reducing the harmful health inequalities we see in our communities.”To contact the RCM Media Office and for MSW case studies call 020 7312 3456, or email media@rcm.org.uk. 

Notes to Editors

For information on the RCM Maternity Support Worker of the Year Award see https://www.rcmawards.com/.

The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at https://www.rcm.org.uk/.

