‘Important’ mothers and babies get the care and support needed says RCM on health visitor report

on 10 October 2019 Safety Postnatal Care

Today the Institute of Health Visiting (IHV) has ‘Health Visiting in England: A Vision for the Future’, their evidence-based blueprint to rebuild health visiting services.

Commenting, Gill Walton, Chief Executive of the Royal College of Midwives said: “After the birth it is so important that mothers and their babies get the care and support they need. Initially midwives provide this and then hand on the care to our health visitor colleagues.

“Both professions are facing significant shortages and we know this is having an impact on the care health visitors and midwives are able to give.

“It is imperative that mothers get the continuity of care they need throughout and beyond pregnancy. This means good communication between both professions and the time to do this effectively, a situation that is most certainly challenged by the ongoing shortages.

“This is a vital period for the health of the mother and child and we need to see more investment in it and in health visitors”.

For information on the IHV report please contact the IHV.


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