Obesity during pregnancy increases risk to both mother and baby says RCM

By Obesity during pregnancy increases risk to both mother and baby says RCM on 20 February 2020 Midwives RCM RCM Member MSWs - Maternity Support Workers Maternity Services RCM Scotland Scotland NHS Scotland Scottish Maternity Services Obesity Pregnancy Pregnancy and Weight Management Mary Ross Davie

The Royal College of Midwives has repeated its call for clearer guidance on healthy weight management for expectant mothers after a study from the University of Edinburgh found links between high maternal Body Mass Index (BMI) and the risk of adverse pregnancy and delivery outcomes in Scotland.

‘Being overweight in pregnancy is linked to an increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, gestational diabetes and stillbirth’ says RCM.


Responding, Dr Mary Ross-Davie, Director for Scotland at the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), said: “Worryingly maternal obesity is on the rise not only in Scotland, but across the UK. Women who are obese during pregnancy need more care and closer monitoring than women with an average BMI. This can often mean more appointments and longer appointments with their midwife and often this does put pressure on maternity services that are already overstretched.

The RCM has previously called on the Government for clearer guidance on healthy weight management for expectant mothers, and more support, training and equipment for midwives so they can adequately support women who are struggling with obesity during pregnancy.

Dr Ross-Davie, added:

here is strong evidence of the risks of obesity and excess weight gain in pregnancy and yet there are no UK guidelines on what constitutes a safe weight gain, and many midwives have to use their own initiative and refer to American guidance. That is why it is important, when necessary, to help women lose weight before they become pregnant. There is also clearly a need to invest in services in Scotland that support weight management and for much more efforts to be made to reduce obesity in the population as a whole.”




Notes to Editors

RCM calls for clearer guidance on healthy weight management for expectant mothers https://www.rcm.org.uk/media-releases/2018/july/call-for-clear-guidance-on-healthy-weight-management-in-pregnancy/


‘Worrying says RCM on increase in obesity rates amongst pregnant women’



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