RCM welcomes Government investment in perinatal mental health support for women

By RCM welcomes Government investment in perinatal mental health for support women on 07 February 2020 Midwives RCM RCM Member MSWs - Maternity Support Workers Maternity Services RCM CEO Perinatal Mental Health Maternal Mental health Specialist Midwives Specialist Mental Health Midwives

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has today welcomed the news that the new NHS GP contract will include additional funding for perinatal mental health checks at six to eight weeks.

Commenting, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Chief Executive, Gill Walton, said: “We are delighted that the Department of Health and Social Care has listened to the calls the RCM made in its election manifesto for improved investment in maternal mental health care. 

“This additional funding for the six-week postnatal check will enable GPs to ensure that the mother receives a proper maternal check as well as the baby which is so crucial. We know that for some women with pregnancy related mental illness if identified early by a GP can be treated close to their home and avoid any condition escalating.”

The RCM has also actively supported the NCT’s Hidden Half Campaign to ensure women get that crucial ringfenced time with their GP dedicated to the mother to attend to her specific needs not part of a combined appointment including baby checks.

Gill Walton added:

“Providing these services that are right for women, in the right places with trained healthcare professionals which are properly funded will save the NHS money in the long term and more importantly begin to stop the toll that pregnancy related mental ill health experts on women and their families.”






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