Recipe for poorer not better child health says RCM on iHV report

on 20 February 2020 RCM NHS Staff NHS Good Health Public Health Postnatal Care

The Royal College of Midwives is calling for investment in midwives and other staff supporting better child health. The call comes as the Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) publishes the findings of their annual survey of health visitors in England.

Responding to the report, Sean O'Sullivan, Head of Health and Social Policy at the Royal College of Midwives, said:

"The importance of good health and support in the first years of life cannot be understated. Yet we see two key groups of health professionals working in this area, midwives and health visitors, facing serious shortages.  Their work is also hampered by significant cuts to public health budgets.

Sean O’Sullivan added: “This is a recipe for poorer, not better health for the child and the adults they will become.  Shortages can also fragment care when we need to see seamless care between these vital NHS staff. We need to see the Government invest in early years and invest in the staff that support and promote good child health." 


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Notes to editors

The iHV report can be read at

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