Midwives welcome inclusion of Perinatal Mental Health in Northern Ireland Health Action Plan

By Midwives welcome inclusion of Perinatal Mental Health in Northern Ireland Health Action Plan on 20 May 2020 RCM Midwifery Pregnancy Women Midwives RCM Northern Ireland RCM Member Director For Northern Ireland Perinatal Mental Health Maternal Mental health Postnatal Care Postnatal Depression Antenatal / Prenatal

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have after years of campaigning welcomed the inclusion of perinatal mental health in Northern Ireland’s Mental Health Action Plan.

Commenting, Karen Murray RCM’s Director for Northern Ireland said:

“Mental ill health exerts unimaginable toll on women and their families and the RCM has spent many years campaigning and advocating for perinatal mental health services for women in Northern Ireland, so we are happy to see this finally happen and to have perinatal mental health included in the new Mental Health Action Plan. The Minster for Health has committed to developing a bespoke, specialist service for women with perinatal mental health needs and the RCM is keen to see the details around these plans. These services are desperately needed in the community so women can be monitored close to their homes, this is even more so important with the absence of a mother and baby unit in Northern Ireland, but we must ensure there is sustained investment for these services to be developed and embedded long term for those that need them most.

“The RCM has said time and time again that there is an urgent need for the Government to recognise this and to invest more into funding services for women suffering with pregnancy related mental health problems. Every maternity service should have a specialist midwife in post to enable women who are unwell to get the very best care and support they need and this is also instrumental to identifying pregnant women who need support with their mental health early on during pregnancy so they do not deteriorate."


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