Poole Maternity Support Worker scoops RCM award for MSW of the Year

By Poole Maternity Support Worker scoops RCM award for MSW of the Year on 07 May 2020 Midwives RCM RCM Member Midwifery RCM Annual Midwifery Awards Awards MSW advocates MSWs - Maternity Support Workers

A Maternity Support Worker (MSW) who provides support to a vulnerable women’s team at Poole NHS Foundation Trust in Dorset has scooped the WaterWipes award of MSW of the Year at the Royal College of Midwives (RCMs) Annual Midwifery Awards.

Hazel Harvey’s day to day work at the Trust involves supporting new parents with practical parenting skills, working with the smoking stop midwife to engage families at risk and assisting to support the saving babies lives campaign to reduce the risk of adverse outcomes for women and their babies.

Commenting, Gill Walton CEO of the RCM said:

“The work that MSWs do within maternity services has never been more crucial, its particularly important in areas of the UK where maternity services are stretched or understaffed. As with midwifery care, continuity of support from an MSW can also enhance a woman’s experience of her maternity care. Hazel’s work has made a big difference to the many women and their families in Dorset and I wholeheartedly congratulate her on being named MSW of the Year.”


Hazel’s support has work has proved invaluable to the midwives at Poole particularly the work focused on gaining trust to support very vulnerable women during pregnancy. The practical support she provides to new families enables a continuation of care and frees up the midwives’ time to support and care for other women.


Commenting, Ailbhe O’Briain, Medical Marketing Manager at WaterWipes said:

“Maternity Support Worker’s (MSW’s) provide invaluable care and support to Mums, babies and Midwives, particularly in areas where resources can be limited. The work the MSW’s carry out can make all the difference to the experience Mum’s have before, during and after childbirth.  The winner, Hazel Harvey from Poole NHS Foundation Trust in Dorset has clearly demonstrated this dedication in her role. Sincere congratulations to Hazel on a job well done.

“Working together and supporting each other has never been more important than it is during these unprecedent times. WaterWipes was delighted to support this award and acknowledge the immense support Hazel has provided. WaterWipes would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the great work all MSW’s deliver across the length and breadth of the country.




Contact: RCM media relations team on 020 7312 3456 or media@rcm.org.uk


Notes to Editors:


The RCMs Annual Midwifery Awards ceremony for 2020 was due to take place London on May 5 has now been cancelled following the Government lockdown extension as a result the Covid-19 pandemic. The RCM will be announcing details of all the winners from May 4 across the course of the week.

More details on the RCMs Annual Midwifery Awards are available here: https://www.rcmawards.com/


The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources





