Investment needed in midwifery education says RCM Scotland 

on 01 September 2020 RCM Midwives NHS Scotland RCM Scotland Scotland Education Student midwives Midwifery Training Places

Commenting on new figures on midwife numbers in Scotland, Dr Mary Ross-Davie, Director for Scotland at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “The rise in the number of midwives is good news. Now we need more investment in the universities and maternity services that support the education of midwifery students behind this increase. We have more student midwives but not enough educators in universities to cope with the increase. This is even more pressing now as universities are taking far more midwifery students this year than planned, because of the issues around exam results."

You cannot cram more students into a system without backing that up with investment and support. We need to make sure Scotland has enough midwifery educators in our universities which means making wages in education match those in the NHS. We also need to be aware of the potential pressures on our already stretched maternity services when so many more students will go into them doing clinical placements, and to plan for that. Scotland is trying to fit a quart into a pint pot and it cannot be done.” 


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The NHS Education for Scotland workforce statistics can be viewed at  

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