RCM calls Government NHS pay proposal ‘an absolute insult’

on 04 March 2021 MSWs - Maternity Support Workers Midwives Pay

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has called a proposal by the Department for Health and Social Care to the Pay Review Body of a 1% pay increase for midwives and all other NHS staff an ‘absolute insult’.

Commenting, RCM’s Director of External Relations Jon Skewes said:

“The RCM adhered to the deadline set by the Pay Review Body and submitted evidence of behalf of our members on time last month. The Department of Health and Social Care has today submitted its evidence late and with a derisory proposal for a measly 1% pay-rise for NHS staff. This is an absolute insult to hardworking midwives, maternity support workers and other NHS staff who have not only worked through years of austerity and cuts, but are right now on the frontline working battling a global pandemic and keeping services afloat. 

Our members are working harder than they have ever done to deliver safe care to women and their families in the face of longstanding staffing shortages, that existed prior to the pandemic. Do the Government have any idea what a pay proposal like this will do to morale? Midwives have already been eyeing the door and this will undoubtedly push many of them towards it. Our members and all NHS staff deserve a fair and decent pay rise and a meagre 1% will not cut it.”


To contact the RCM Media Office call 020 7312 3456, or email media@rcm.org.uk.  

Notes to editors

Read the RCM’s submission to the NHS Pay Review Body 2021 Publications (rcm.org.uk)

More ON the RCM’s Deliver a Decent Deal pay campaign here https://www.rcm.org.uk/supporting/pay

Turn the applause for NHS staff into an early wage rise say RCM and health unions https://www.rcm.org.uk/media-releases/2020/july/turn-the-applause-for-nhs-staff-into-an-early-wage-rise-say-rcm-and-health-unions/

RCM calls on Government for new money to fund early pay rise for midwives and MSWs https://www.rcm.org.uk/media-releases/2020/august/rcm-calls-on-government-for-new-money-to-fund-early-pay-rise-for-midwives-and-maternity-support-workers

Value NHS with an early and significant pay rise says RCM https://www.rcm.org.uk/media-releases/2020/september/value-nhs-staff-and-award-early-and-significant-pay-rise-says-rcm/

The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance, and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences, and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at https://www.rcm.org.uk/.
