RCM calls on Welsh Government for an urgent and significant pay rise for its members

on 23 June 2021 Maternity Services MSWs - Maternity Support Workers Midwives Pay Pay and Agenda For Change NHS Staff NHS Pay Review Body NHS Wales RCM Wales Wales Welsh Government

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) together with eight other trade unions in Wales have collectively called on the Welsh Government to give NHS staff an urgent, significant and well-earned pay rise.

In an open letter delivered in person by the RCM and other trade Unions to Minsters at Welsh Government buildings in Cardiff today leaders said, it was their belief that there has never been a time when the need for an urgent and significant pay rise for NHS staff has been so great.  A belief shared by so many people across Wales.”

Currently, the Pay Review Body (PRB) for Agenda for Change that makes recommendations to the Government on pay for midwives and maternity support workers is yet to publish it recommendations. The group of unions has said if the PRB’s recommendations do not meet the definitions of ‘urgent’ and ‘significant’ they will request that the Welsh Government exceed the recommendations of the PRB.

Commenting, the RCM’s Director for Wales, Helen Rogers, said:

“Never has ​it been so obvious that midwives, maternity support workers and all NHS staff in Wales ​deserve a decent pay rise. Maternity staff have spent well over a year working harder than they’ve ever done in the face of existing staffing shortages, underfunding and the restrictions that COVID-19 bought. They have shown their commitment and dedication to women and their babies in Wales, putting themselves at risk to deliver good quality care in the face of a global pandemic. Many are running on empty and are physically and mentally burnt out, they feel undervalued and are thinking with their feet. What we don’t want to see now is a​n exodus of midwives and other healthcare professionals at time when they are most needed. That is why we are collectively calling on the newly formed Welsh Government to do the right thing and show staff they are valued with a significant pay rise.”

Welsh staff side unions have also asked that the pay increase is backdated to December 2020 and say they will be holding firm on this and their other asks. The RCM, as part of its Deliver A Decent Deal pay campaign, has already managed to secure a backdated payment for its members in Scotland and hoping to secure the same for members in England and later in Northern Ireland.

Helen added:

“The Scottish Government ​has recently prove​d that a significant and backdated offer is affordable so let’s do the same for midwives, maternity support workers and all NHS workers in Wales.”



To contact the RCM Media Office call 020 7312 3456, or email media@rcm.org.uk


Notes to Editors:


  • The open letter delivered to the Welsh Government is backed by unions representing a thousand’s of the healthcare workers in Wales including, Royal College of Midwives, including the Royal College of Nursing GMB, Unite, Unison, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, BMA, British Association of Occupation Therapists, and the Society of Radiographers.


The RCM is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team. We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance, and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences, and online resources. For more information visit the RCM website at https://www.rcm.org.uk/.

