RCM ballot on industrial action over pay opens in Scotland

on 29 September 2022 RCM Maternity Services MSWs - Maternity Support Workers Midwifery Midwives RCM Scotland Scotland RCM Member Scottish Government Pay Industrial Action

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) in Scotland says ‘it’s recommending its members vote yes to industrial action’ as it official launches its ballot on pay.

Balloting members on industrial action the RCM says it not a decision they have taken lightly, but one that comes following the highest ever turnout for an RCM pay consultation in Scotland. In an exceptionally strong mandate almost 90 percent of RCM members who voted said they wanted to be formally balloted on industrial action.

The RCM’s ballot officially opens today (29 September) and will run for 4 weeks until 27 October with members across Scotland who work in the NHS set to receive their ballot papers by post over the coming days. The RCM says if members vote to take action safe services will be maintained and women and their families in Scotland can be reassured that their care will not be out at risk.

Commenting, Jaki Lambert, RCM’s Director for Scotland says; “This was a mandate from our members that we could not ignore. Midwives, maternity support workers (MSWs) and maternity care assistants (MCA’s) in Scotland voted in their thousands to be balloted on industrial action. For midwives and maternity staff to consider taking industrial action it is really the last straw, but they feel they have no other option. If our members do vote to take industrial action, I want to reassure women in Scotland that staff will maintain safe services and women and their families can still expect the delivery of safe care. During previous strike action in other parts of the UK in 2014 the RCM ensured services continued to be delivered safely and the same will be done again.”

The RCM says if members vote in favour of taking industrial action, NHS employers in Scotland will be given adequate notice of any type of industrial action.  They will alongside RCM workplace representatives work with maternity service managers to ensure there is cover during any work stoppages across Scotland and the delivery of safe care will not be compromised.

Jaki added:

“Guidance and advice have also been developed for RCM members to ensure they are able to make an informed decision when it comes to voting on any type of industrial action. That said given the well below inflation pay rise that the Government has offered we are recommending our members vote yes to both strike action and action short of strike. Speaking to midwives and MSWs what they are telling us is they’ve had enough, they feel undervalued, under paid and many are now struggling with the rising cost of living and feel they’ve had no other choice but to make a stand in order for the Government to wake up and listen.”


For interview requests and to contact the RCM Media Office call 020 7312 3456, or email media@rcm.org.uk

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The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is the only trade union and professional association dedicated to serving midwifery and the whole midwifery team.  We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance, and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences, and online resources. For more information visit the RCM | A professional organisation and trade union dedicated to serving the whole midwifery team

