21-30 of 32 result(s)
RCM welcomes NHS investment which will enable women to access their maternity records online

RCM welcomes NHS investment which will enable women to access their maternity records online

on 17 June 2021 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed an announcement by NHS England that will see £52 million invested to speed up the delivery of online maternity records. The announcement was made today by the Chief Nursing Officer for England, ...
State of NHS buildings holding back improvements in maternity care

State of NHS buildings holding back improvements in maternity care

on 14 April 2021 Leading health organisations including the Royal College of Midwives have called for upgrades to England’s NHS maternity service buildings to improve care for women and conditions for staff in a letter to Health Minister Nadine Dorries today.

RCM calls for ‘swift implementation’ of NHS England action plan to support BAME pregnant women

By RCM calls for ‘swift implementation’ of NHS England action plan to support BAME pregnant women on 21 June 2020 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has today called for swift implementation of an action plan announced by NHS England to provide additional support for Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (BAME) pregnant women.
‘Improvements needed in NHS job evaluation for Maternity Support Workers’ says RCM

‘Improvements needed in NHS job evaluation for Maternity Support Workers’ says RCM

By ‘Improvements needed in NHS job evaluation for Maternity Support Workers’ says RCM on 29 November 2019 This week the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is celebrating and highlighting the role of maternity support workers (MSWs) in NHS maternity services. As part of the focus on MSWs and the work that they do the RCM has today published results ...

Not good enough says RCM on midwife numbers in Health Foundation report

By Not good enough says RCM on midwife numbers in Health Foundation report on 28 November 2019 Today the Health Foundation has published a report on the NHS Workforce. The reports shows how different NHS staff groups have grown in the past year. Midwives have grown in number by the smallest of any group.