221-230 of 424 result(s)
RCM welcomes NHS investment which will enable women to access their maternity records online

RCM welcomes NHS investment which will enable women to access their maternity records online

on 17 June 2021 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed an announcement by NHS England that will see £52 million invested to speed up the delivery of online maternity records. The announcement was made today by the Chief Nursing Officer for England, ...
Effective and inclusive leadership a key factor in improving safety, says RCM

Effective and inclusive leadership a key factor in improving safety, says RCM

on 11 June 2021 Effective and inclusive leadership is a key factor in improving safety in maternity services. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it launches the second instalment in its new Solution Series. The interim Ockenden ...
Time lessons are learned, and mistakes not repeated says RCM as its launches new safety series

Time lessons are learned, and mistakes not repeated says RCM as its launches new safety series

on 24 May 2021 'Learning lessons from both failed and successful maternity services is crucial to ensure mistakes are not repeated and good practice is shared'. That is the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it launches the first installment ...
RCM welcomes immediate implementation of Scottish NHS pay award

RCM welcomes immediate implementation of Scottish NHS pay award

on 14 May 2021 The Scottish Government has announced that they will immediately pay the 4% pay award offered to NHS staff, with the increase backdated to December 2020. The news follows Royal College of Midwives (RCM) members in Scotland voting to accept ...
RCM makes the case for a new maternity strategy for Northern Ireland

RCM makes the case for a new maternity strategy for Northern Ireland

on 11 May 2021 ‘A renewed maternity strategy for Northern Ireland, grows more urgent with every passing day.’ That is the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it calls for a new strategy to be developed since the current one ended three years ...
Maternity Royal Colleges express concern about access to COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women, following change in guidance around the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine

Maternity Royal Colleges express concern about access to COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women, following change in guidance around the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine

on 07 May 2021 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and have today expressed concern that pregnant women invited for vaccination are still struggling to access the right COVID vaccine for ...