21-29 of 29 result(s)

RCM responds to CQC report on East Kent Maternity services  

By RCM responds to CQC report on East Kent Maternity services   on 28 May 2020 Safety must be an absolute priority and combined with effective leadership be the basis for which all maternity care is delivered. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it responds to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) ...
Protection is more than just PPE – RCM calls on NHS employers to offer proper training and support to those working in maternity services

Protection is more than just PPE – RCM calls on NHS employers to offer proper training and support to those working in maternity services

By Protection is more than just PPE – RCM calls on NHS employers to offer proper training and support to those working in maternity services The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is today calling on NHS Trusts and Boards to provide better support to maternity staff after a survey revealed that nearly a third of midwives had received no advice or training they need to care for women with ...

RCM supports calls for retired and student midwives to join midwifery workforce

By RCM supports calls for retired and student midwives to join midwifery workforce on 19 March 2020 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is supporting emergency moves to expand the maternity workforce in light of the current coronavirus crisis. Under new measures just introduced by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), midwives who have ...
 ‘RCM welcomes Government announcement of financial grant for student midwives’

‘RCM welcomes Government announcement of financial grant for student midwives’

By ‘RCM welcomes Government announcement of financial grant for student midwives’ on 16 December 2019 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed the Prime Ministers announcement that all student midwives on courses in England from September 2020 will receive a £5,000 year grant for every year they are studying. The reintroduction ...
‘Significant concern’ says RCM Scotland  on NHS midwifery vacancy stats

‘Significant concern’ says RCM Scotland on NHS midwifery vacancy stats

By ‘Significant concern’ says RCM Scotland on NHS midwifery vacancy stats on 04 December 2019 ISD Scotland has published statistics on NHS midwifery and other staff vacancies in Scotland. The statistics show an increase of 26.5% in midwifery and nursing vacant posts from September 2018 to September 2019.

‘RCM responds to Conservative Party Manifesto’

By ‘RCM responds to Conservative Party Manifesto’ on 26 November 2019 The Conservative party have published their manifesto for the upcoming 2019 General Election. The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have welcomed the Conservatives commitment to make the ‘NHS the best place in the world to give birth’.