91-100 of 215 result(s)

Midwife numbers now lower than at the last general election says RCM

By RCM on 26 May 2022 New monthly NHS workforce figures for England analysed by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) have revealed that the number of midwives in England is now lower than at the time of the last general election. These latest figures are in fact worse ...
Falling NHS midwife numbers show worrying trend says the RCM

Falling NHS midwife numbers show worrying trend says the RCM

on 18 May 2022 Despite an overall increase In the number of midwives on its register the Nursing and Midwifery Council - the UK midwifery regulator - has in a report today raised concerns about the numbers leaving. The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) echoes ...
‘Improving pay part of solution to recruitment and retention crisis,’ RCM tells Pay Review Body

‘Improving pay part of solution to recruitment and retention crisis,’ RCM tells Pay Review Body

By RCM on 05 April 2022 Failing to deliver a decent, inflation-proof pay award will speed up the recruitment and retention crisis in maternity services. That’s the stark warning of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it gives oral evidence to the NHS Pay Review ...
Get behind our plans to deliver better maternity care for Northern Ireland’s women RCM urges politicians

Get behind our plans to deliver better maternity care for Northern Ireland’s women RCM urges politicians

By RCM on 22 March 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is demanding improvements in maternity care for Northern Ireland’s women in its Blueprint for better maternity care published today.
Maternity underfunding means care based on what trusts can afford not on women’s safety and needs says RCM

Maternity underfunding means care based on what trusts can afford not on women’s safety and needs says RCM

By RCM on 18 March 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is calling out the Government’s record on maternity funding which leaves some NHS trusts and boards basing midwifery staffing levels on what they can afford, not women and baby’s needs. Delivering the safest ...