21-30 of 88 result(s)
Commissioning of report into Northern Ireland midwifery services ‘a step in the right direction,’ says RCM

Commissioning of report into Northern Ireland midwifery services ‘a step in the right direction,’ says RCM

on 24 May 2023 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed the Department of Health’s announcement today on the commissioning of a report into Northern Ireland’s midwifery services. The College sees this review, to be led by Professor Mary Renfrew, ...
RCM and women’s health organisations joint statement on stigma and shame in women’s health services

RCM and women’s health organisations joint statement on stigma and shame in women’s health services

on 08 March 2023 To mark International Women’s Day (Wednesday 8 March), the Roya College of Midwives (RCM) and women’s health organisation partners have published the below joint statement on the stigma and shame in women’s health services globally.
RCM calls for urgent start on new Northern Ireland maternity strategy

RCM calls for urgent start on new Northern Ireland maternity strategy

on 23 November 2022 Work needs to start on a new maternity strategy for Northern Ireland as a matter of urgency says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The call comes in an RCM motion to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Branch Delegate Conference in Enniskillen ...
RCM urges midwives to vote yes to industrial action as England and Wales pay ballot opens

RCM urges midwives to vote yes to industrial action as England and Wales pay ballot opens

on 11 November 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has today launched only its second ballot on industrial action in England and its first in Wales in its142 year history. The College, which represents most midwives and also maternity support workers (MSWs) ...
Government must act now to reverse rise in maternal deaths, says RCM

Government must act now to reverse rise in maternal deaths, says RCM

By Government must act now to reverse rise in maternal deaths, says RCM on 10 November 2022 The ‘statistically significant’ increase in maternal deaths reported today by MBRRACE-UK is a tragic indication of a lack of Government investment in maternity services, according to the Royal College of Midwives (RCM).
Impact of social and ethnic inequalities clear in latest MBRRACE-UK report says RCM

 Impact of social and ethnic inequalities clear in latest MBRRACE-UK report says RCM

on 13 October 2022 ‘The highest stillbirth rates continue to impact women living in the most deprived communities where social inequalities are entrenched.' That’s according to the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it responds to the latest MBRRACE-UK PMRT ...
Maternity colleges urge pregnant women to have flu and Covid-19 vaccines this winter

Maternity colleges urge pregnant women to have flu and Covid-19 vaccines this winter

on 29 September 2022 The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) are urging all pregnant women and people to have the flu and COVID-19 vaccines to offer themselves and their babies the best protection from ...
Isle of Man maternity strategy needed urgently to improve safety, care and choice for women says RCM

Isle of Man maternity strategy needed urgently to improve safety, care and choice for women says RCM

on 05 September 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is today setting out the case for a review of maternity services and the development of a maternity strategy for the Isle of Man.