Requesting membership lists for a branch

Any elected Activist can request a membership list.

To request a membership list you need to contact with the following:  

  • Data required, name , email, workplace?
  • Purpose of request? E.g. emailing newsletter, branch meeting, event
  • Date of intended email communication to members if applicable

 Reasons you can request a membership list

  1. To approach members to update their details.
  2. To map the membership for training pre course work.
  3. To map the membership for an organising campaign.
  4. To send an online ballot in exceptional circumstances.
  5. To communicate with members via a newsletter or email for an event, meeting, AGM etc.
  6. To consult with members over a consultation, reorganisation or restructure.
  7. To communicate with members to promote branch activist vacancies.
  8. Social Media group administration, (to confirm all in a group are RCM members only. You can’t use a list to invite members to join social media.)

All members have the right to privacy and the RCM will not provide contact details so members can be invited to join a social media page. The details of a branch Facebook group should be included in a newsletter so  members can choose if they wish to join. Alternatively create a flyer with the details of the page and this can be added to your RCM noticeboard. 

All lists are password protected and will be sent you within 10 working days once all the required information has been received.

 Key points 

  • A list can only be used once and can not be saved under GDPR.
  • A branch must not hold a details of it's members a new list must be requested as required.
  • Membership lists for recruitment purposes can only be used for face to face recruitment e.g. at an engagement event.
  • Trade union status is a protected category under GDPR; if you request a list it must not be used for identifying and targeting non members as this is a breach of GDPR. 
  • If you are using a list to engage with current RCM members the list can only be used for the specific stated purpose in your request and must be destroyed once this purpose has been fulfilled.
  • A list can not be used to target those in your workplace who are not members.
  • If contact details are requested the RCM will only provide email addresses and only for those members that have given permission for us to do so.



