Could you see yourself as a part of the RCM Board?

on 27 March 2019 RCM

The RCM invites you to apply to be a member of its new Board, taking up office on 1st September 2019. The RCM Board is responsible for ensuring that the RCM is efficient, effective, properly managed, supervised and accountable. The Board provides long-term vision, ensures clarity of purpose by setting strategic goals and objectives, and protects the reputation and values of the RCM.

Becoming a Board member for the RCM is a fantastic opportunity, and is both a challenging and rewarding commitment in equal measure. In lending your expertise and experience to the RCM, you become part of an organisation that strives to set standards across the midwifery profession, acting as a voice for all those who work within it.

That being said, it’s extremely important to us that we see as diverse a range of applications as possible. Our voice and work can only be as representative as those who lead and govern it. In particular we want our Board to be inclusive, and would like to see nominations from black and minority ethnic (BME) midwives, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) midwives, and younger midwives. This is to encourage equal applications from all backgrounds, which we believe makes for a better organisation.

We value all our members’ skills, experience and contributions as a true reflection of the midwives working across the UK.

RCM Board members are RCM members elected to office by fellow members.

Your first step is to complete the RCM’s self nomination / eligibility declaration form. Please complete, sign and submit this form to  before the 8th of April 2019.

For more information on procedures, please visit our RCM Board Elections page and download our publication Standing for the RCM Board.
