Welcome to the Winter edition of MIDIRS Midwifery Digest

on 18 November 2019 MIDIRS

We’re delighted to present you with another timely and diverse collection of original articles and reprints from around the world.

Whether you’re a student midwife just starting out on your midwifery journey, a practising midwife working in the community, a birth centre or hospital setting or a maternity support worker assisting midwives in caring for women and their babies, MIDIRS Midwifery Digest will be of interest.

Here’s just a small taster of what you will find inside this latest issue.

  • Hot Topic: ‘Through the looking glass – reflections on labour care from insiders on the outside

This original article discusses the concept of reflective practice in a slightly different form. Inspired by a specific event, authors Rebekah Wells and Tania McIntosh present their thoughts on the process of care in labour in a hospital setting, based on their experience of supporting a family member. Their reflections are broad and are based on universal concepts of care and communication, rather than just the UK context.

  • Labour & Birth: ‘A reflection of the importance of silence and environment during a water birth on a midwifery-led unit’

Roisin McCormick’s article highlights the importance of self-awareness, environment and silence during labour and delivery. Previously an intensive care unit nurse, Roisin reflects on the contrast between her nursing experience to that of her new status as student midwife.

  • Worldwide Maternity Services: ‘Every woman has the right to respectful maternity care throughout their journey of pregnancy and motherhood, but are midwives really the global solution to humanising birth?’

Research Associates, Kirsty Lowe and Hannah McCAuley focus on the outcomes of capacity-building workshops for health care providers, which aim to improve the quality of maternity services in low and middle-income countries.

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