Organise your branch Annual General Meeting

RCM Member RCM Branches

AGM season will now be well underway and branches across the UK have been electing and re-electing Branch Officers, Workplace Reps and MSW Advocates; planning branch activities for the year ahead and reflecting on achievements from 2019.

RCM staff are happy to offer support and guidance if required, so let us know once you have a date for your AGM. There are several changes taking place that you will need to be aware of but first, here is a quick checklist:

Have you completed and returned the following

Your AGM Checklist


Branch Information Form – you must include the re-election of activists on page 3. Only complete accreditation forms for NEW activists.


Branch Annual Review Form – this is a great reflective exercise for the branch as well as supporting you planning for the year ahead.


Branch Annual Statement of Accounts – your finance return is received separately by the treasurer. Note that there will be reduced payments for late submissions from 2020.


Also we have a new 10 minute i-learn module Branch officers: organising the Annual General Meeting available to guide you in planning the AGM meeting, this can be found in the Activist section of i-learn

Please note that in 2020 the grant payable will be reduced if it’s return is delayed as follows:

Annual return 2019 received

Grant amount payable

Q1 2020 (Jan – March)


Q2 2020 (April – June)


Q3 2020 (Jul – Sep)


Q4 2020 (Oct – Dec)



During 2020 RCM will be undertaking a review of the significant workplaces and this might have an impact on the grant amount your branch receives in the future years starting from 2021.

You can contact your local organiser and request any support or advice by emailing
