The spring edition of MIDIRS is now here!

By MIDIRS MIDIRS Evidence-based guidelines

We're delighted to present you with another timely and diverse collection of original articles and reprints from around the world.

Whether you're a student midwife just starting out on your midwifery journey, a practising midwife working in the community, a birth centre or hospital setting, or a maternity support worker assisting midwives in caring for women and their babies, MIDIRS Midwifery Digest will be of interest.

Here's just a small taster of what you will find inside this latest issue, the first to feature the RCM's peer-reviewed journal, Evidence Based Midwifery!

NEW! Evidence Based Midwifery (EBM)

From March 2020, EBM will become a permanent section in MIDIRS Midwifery Digest. Previously part of the RCM’s educational portfolio, EBM aims to support midwives in developing the necessary skills to effectively disseminate research outcomes. The inclusion of EBM will provide readers with wider access to evidence-based research summaries, commissioned papers and reports. We are pleased to present the following two papers as part of the new EBM section:

  • Breastfeeding, motivation and culture: an exploration of maternal influences within midwife-led instruction in an Asian setting by L Dornan, M Sinclair, GW Kernohan,

N Chaloumsuk, P Suppasan 

  • Midwifery student practice grades: case study and discussion

by Samantha Chenery-Morris. Associate Professor, University of Suffolk, UK.

Other articles to be included in your spring issue include:

HOT TOPIC: Year of the Nurse and Midwife 2020

‘Worldwide, nurses and midwives form the backbone of health care services and the value of these professions is almost inestimable. The year 2020 will not only be a year of celebration and recognition but also a year to optimise leadership, strengthen accountability and governance, and mobilise political will for these vital workforces’ (WHO 2016).

Our Hot Topic for this issue is highly relevant. Kirsty Lowe et al’s article addresses the state of the world’s midwifery, midwives as a driving force for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and barriers to effective midwifery care, all key areas for discussion.

Midwifery & Education

  • Acceptability of a programme for the prevention of post-traumatic stress disorder in midwifery: a qualitative investigation with midwives and midwifery managers following feasibility testing - Pauline Slade, Kayleigh Sheen, Sarah Collinge et al
  • Midwives’ experiences of the Perineal Assessment and Repair Longitudinal Study (PEARLS) training package. Narrative Literature Review - Zeenath Uddin, Debra Bick
  • Learning from communication errors when transitioning from nursing to midwifery: a student midwife’s reflection - Charlotte Wakefield


  • Maternal obesity — is it time to think differently? - Joanna Owen
  • Is elective caesarean section appropriate management for women experiencing primary tokophobia? - Emily Viller, Abena Addo

Labour & Birth

  • Is continuous midwifery support during labour an effective tool for women who fear childbirth? - Sarah Ellis
  • Holistic care in midwifery-led birthing units - Ana Molina Perez
  • What is normal birth? - Abi Hemmings


  • Perinatal mental health: both sides of the battle - Ann Marie Thomas
  • Aquanatal classes for perinatal mental illness in pregnancy - Laura Bridle, Amy Davies
  • Women’s experiences of planned home birth: a review of the literature

- Lizzy Hill

Neonatal & Infancy

  • Obstetric neonatal brachial plexus and facial nerve injuries: a 17 years single tertiary maternity hospital experience - Andreas Rehm, Prakash Promod, Amanda Ogilvy-Stuart
  • The association between breastfeeding and attachment: a systematic review - Katja Linde, Franziska Lehnig, Michaela Nagl et al

Worldwide Maternity Services

  • Maternal global health matters: reflections from a local perspective - Marcia Garcia de Frutos 
  • Exchanging ideas and good practice globally: reciprocal learning in the context of a twinning project - Lesley Kay


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