RCM launch research award buddy scheme

Midwifery Midwives RCM Member MSWs - Maternity Support Workers Research RCM Education

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is launching a new research award buddy scheme at this year's Education & Research conference on 24 March. 

It is hoped that the creation of this scheme will encourage and support more midwives to apply for the Wellbeing of Women Entry level Research Scholarship (WoW) and the Iolanthe Trust Jean Davies award. The RCM part funds both of these awards each year.

The buddies will be sought from previous successful applicants, and several have already come forward to offer their support. A bespoke module in the RCM i-learn platform will provide the virtual home for the scheme, enabling buddies to review prospective applicants, while providing networking opportunities as well as a virtual classroom for one-to-one meetings as well as group meetings.  

If you are interested in being either a buddy or would like to apply for one of the research awards and get support, please contact us at research@rcm.org.uk to register your interest. When the scheme is live, interested midwives will be asked to access and complete a simple application form via the RCM Research Hub.
