RCM statement on harassment and intimidation of midwives and MSWs

on 05 August 2024

The tragic incident that occurred in Southport on 29 July shocked the community, and the wider country, to the core, and our thoughts are with those families affected. That incident has been hijacked by far-right activists, who have incited violence and unrest in towns and cities across the country, and online. We fully support the TUC response and will work with them and other trade unions to provide practical support and solidarity and defeat the narrative of hate. We welcome action being taken by politicians, the police and the Crown Prosecution Service in bringing those responsible to justice.

We are aware that frontline healthcare staff have also been targeted on their way to work. We want to make it absolutely clear that this intimidation is completely unacceptable and we will support any of our members who are subjected to violence, intimidation or discrimination to take appropriate action.

We support the statement made by NHS England’s Chief Executive, Amanda Pritchard. The diverse NHS workforce is something to be celebrated and we condemn racism in all its forms. We will be encouraging RCM activists to work with employers to make sure that they have in place policies and practices to ensure staff and service users can access services safely and without fear

Every midwife, every maternity support worker, every member of NHS staff has the right to go to work without fear of harassment or intimidation, and we stand with every single one of them.

Following last week's events, the RCM together with NHS Unions has produced guidance to provide trade union representatives with a reminder of information and questions that can be raised through local staff-sides, health and safety committees and more widely. Read more  here

