Royal College of Midwives to consult members in England on latest pay offer

on 02 August 2024

Following the Government’s announcement earlier this week (30 July) that it would accept the 5.5% pay increase proposed by the NHS Pay Review Body, the Royal College of Midwives is to consult its members on their views about the award. 

The RCM Board met on Thursday (1 August) to discuss next steps and approved the consultation which will be launched on Monday 5 August and run until Friday 16 August. Members working in England on an Agenda for Change contract will be eligible to take part in the consultation.

Alice Sorby, the RCM’s Director of Employment Relations, said:

"Successive below-inflation pay offers have sapped the morale of midwives and MSWs over recent years. We are pleased that, this time, the headline pay award is above inflation and starts to address the pay cuts our members have faced. It is definitely a step in the right direction. It is also a consolidated, across the board increase which the RCM had called for. It’s really important for members to take part in this consultation, so we can understand how they feel about the award."

The Government has also committed to mandate the NHS Staff Council, of which the RCM is a member, to negotiate to address the structural issues within the NHS. This has been welcomed by the RCM, as it has been calling for this for some time. The College is hopeful that this offers a real opportunity for progress.

Alice continued:

"One of the frustrations we, and our members, have felt over recent years has been Government delays in responding to pay review body reports. We are heartened that the new Chancellor has committed to look at reforming the timetable for responding to review bodies, as this causes unnecessary frustration for staff. We will also be calling on the Government to commit to a plan for restoring the pay that NHS staff have lost over 14 years. This award marks a starting point but there is still much to do."

While there is no commitment to the Real Living Wage, a 5.5% increase to the bottom of Band 2 gives an hourly rate of £12.08 the current UK real living wage is £12 per hour. We will continue to push for a commitment to the Real Living Wage.

