Y Fantais Gymraeg i Undebau – The Welsh Advantage for Unions

on 16 August 2024 RCM Maternity Services RCM Wales RCM Member NHS Wales Wales Midwives MSWs - Maternity Support Workers Trade Unions

The RCM is working with TUC Cymru and other unions in Wales to recognise, support, safeguard and grow Welsh-speaking union membership across Wales. Following the TUC Cymru Congress in May this year, the RCM committed to promote the take-up of the ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ (the Welsh offer).

The RCM joined TUC Cymru at the Eisteddfod on 9 August to hear the discussion around unions, fair work and Welsh language, particularly how supporting Welsh language rights in the workplace is a key part of unions beliefs in fair work, equality and social justice.

Julie Richards, Director of RCM Wales, said:

“There is an increasing number of RCM members that are Welsh-speaking. We want them to feel welcome in our movement, and we are looking at what we can do as part of Cynnig Cymraeg to promote Welsh in maternity services workplaces. We also recognise that, by supporting the Welsh language in maternity services, we will also be supporting Welsh-speaking women and families to access care that is both personal and appropriate. We are only at the start of this journey, but we are looking forward to working with TUC Cymru to help us develop this work further.”

This view was echoed by the Welsh Language Commissioner, Efa Gruffudd Jones. She particularly acknowledged the value of using Welsh during times when women were in labour to offer comfort and reassurance.

The RCM, with support from the Welsh Union Learning Fund, has a pivotal role to play in promoting opportunities via www.learnwelsh.cymru which is a key platform of resources and learning opportunities. With the increased volume of Welsh speakers coming through midwifery training and contributing to a growing number of bilingual young workers entering the workforce, the RCM can expect more and more members to want to communicate with us in Welsh in the coming years.


Pictured from right to left;

Efa Gruffydd Jones, Welsh Language Commissioner

Dr Mandy James, Bilingual Communications Officer, TUC Cymru

Siân Gale, TUC Cymru President and Skills & Development Manager at BECTU

Ian Thomas, Public and Commercial Services Union rep 

