Country news: Wales

By Helen Rogers on 23 November 2018 Midwives Magazine RCM Wales

New policies: The RCM is partnering with NHS employers, Welsh Government and Staff Side to deliver new managing attendance at work and menopause policies.

The attendance policy should support health and wellbeing and sustained return to work from sickness absence. The menopause policy should raise awareness of the effect on staff, their families and colleagues, and employer responsibilities including reasonable adjustments.

SoMS report: The State of maternity services report for Wales was launched on 6 November. Increasing complexity and an ageing workforce have been revealed as challenges, however, student-commissioning numbers should be maintained at current levels and the student bursary is incentivising recruitment.

Preceptorship: The RCM Wales preceptorship ‘task and finish’ group is looking at the needs of NQMs, learning from good practice, including the All Wales Passport, and considering practical ways to improve patchy provision. The findings will be reported to the Heads of Midwifery Advisory Group.

Digital midwifery: The RCM Wales Learning project is supporting the national ‘digital midwifery’ drive by offering accredited training.

Our ‘developing digital midwifery’ suite of courses includes a digital productivity course, which develops knowledge of excel, access and powerpoint. Training may be offered to groups of a minimum of five where there is demand.

Our accredited mental health awareness training is in high demand. Training is offered to groups of a minimum of 10 where there is demand. For further information and to register interest for the digital productivity or mental health awareness course, contact

Book launch: Your birth – stories from midwifery-led areas, by clinical research midwife Emma Mills and consultant midwife Louise Taylor, is a collection of birth stories written by women who gave birth in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.

The book aims to empower women and boost their confidence in their ability to birth naturally and in appropriate settings. It is a reminder of how the smallest of actions or gestures can make such a difference to women. Emma and Louise hope it will be an inspiring resource for midwives and students and would like to thank all of the women for their stories. The book is available on Amazon.

Maternity Vision: We are delighted to be involved in the launch of the new Welsh Government Maternity Vision in Cardiff (6 December), Powys (12 December), Anglesey (14 December) and Bronglais (19 December). The events will provide an opportunity to share good practice.
