RCM to join Pride parade 2018

By Julie Griffiths on 29 May 2018 LGBT

The RCM will be joining in the festivities for this year’s Pride parade in London on 7 July.

Pride in London is the UK’s biggest, most diverse pride, and one of the world’s biggest LGBT+ celebrations.

It provides a platform for every part of London’s LGBT+ community to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues and campaign for the freedoms for everyone to live their lives on an equal footing.

This will be the fifth year that the RCM has taken part in Pride and it hopes that more members and staff will come along to join in and celebrate equality.

The Pride festival runs from 9 June to 7 July with a variety of events planned – find out more here.

If members would like to join the RCM in the parade, email alice.sorby@rcm.org.uk – friends, family and partners are welcome too.

More information will be made available to those attending nearer the time.
