Your student news: Summer 2018

on 25 May 2018 Midwives Magazine Student midwives

What’s new in the student world? Your chance to tell us where you’ve been and what you’ve been up to...

Student midwife of the year

SHU winner

Congratulations to Gemma Ford from Sheffield Hallam University (SHU), who was named Pregnacare student midwife of the year at the RCM awards 2018 in March.

Gemma was presented with her award by Good Morning Britain presenter Charlotte Hawkins.

Gemma has been an ambassador for midwifery education at SHU and inspired and supported many students returning to university, as well as first-time entrants to midwifery courses.

Gemma is also president of the current student midwifery society.

Earlier this year she devised and held collaborative learning events with medical students from other local universities to improve multidisciplinary learning and training between midwives, obstetricians and gynaecologists.

RCM midwifery society grant

Supporting students

To encourage the growth and success of student midwifery societies, the RCM offers an annual grant of £250 payable to any society that can meet the required criteria.

Further information on the grant and how to apply can be found at

Southampton Midwifery Society

Southampton affiliation

Branch and society join

The University of Southampton Midwifery Society has officially affiliated with the Southampton and New Forest RCM branch.

They are looking forward to collaborating together on future events and promoting the voice of student midwives within the RCM.

The society, now in its second year, is working hard to foster a supportive environment, which brings members together across the three years. They are currently planning events, such as educational workshops, a variety of socials, fundraising for a local bereavement charity and a study day. They recently co-hosted an IDM tea party with the RCM branch.

Big Conversation Graphic

The Big Conversation

Join in

The RCM is using its campaign The Big Conversation as an opportunity to engage with all members about how it can build an even better RCM and maternity services.

Student members should take this opportunity to engage in The Big Conversation and contribute ideas and input to steer the course of the organisation and profession and to create ‘OUR RCM’.

Speak to staff who will be at events around the country, via social media using #TheBigConversation, and you can easily feedback using the short online survey at

Petals Logo

Petals (counselling for trauma or loss during pregnancy and birth) Charity Ball

King’s students support loss

Second-year student midwives at King’s have come together to host a fundraising ball to support Petals – a charity providing counselling for trauma or loss during pregnancy or birth.

Second-year student midwife Alexandra Halliday has been overwhelmed by the generosity of strangers who have come together to donate their services, skills, produce and money towards making the event a success.

‘Such touching generosity is an ongoing testament to how many people are affected by loss and trauma. As a student, I need no convincing that their work [Petals] is so vital,’ she said.

For more on the charity ball, email For more about Petals, visit


Madwives in the making

Students’ blog

Second-year students Georgia Barrington and Courtney Jones at the University of Hertfordshire have set up a blog about life as a student midwife called ‘Madwives in the making’.

They aim to give aspiring and current student midwives support and an insight into what it is like as a student.

Their content ranges from top tips regarding interviews, how to cope on night shifts, studying and placement essentials, as well as experiences they have faced and their highs and lows on the course so far.

‘Madwives in the making’ is available at and on social media.
