1-10 of 326 result(s)

Counting the cost

on 16 September 2024 Heather Bower, the RCM’s Head of Midwifery Education, goes behind the headlines of the College’s State of UK Midwifery Student Finance Report and warns of potential, but avoidable, challenges for the future midwifery workforce

Darzi’s dark cloud

By Stuart Bonar on 12 September 2024 RCM Public Affairs Adviser Stuart Bonar gives early analysis of Lord Darzi’s independent investigation of the NHS in England – and all our hopes for a future silver lining.

Stop, look, listen

on 28 August 2024 Understanding what works – and what doesn’t – is vital when we are trying to influence positive change in the workplace. And the best way to do that, says Northern Ireland National Officer Anne Wilson, is by going out and seeing it for yourself.

Partnership not punishment

By Birte Harlev-Lam, Executive Director Midwife on 26 July 2024 In the light of two reports calling into question both the CQC and NMC, the RCM’s Executive Director Midwife, Birte Harlev-Lam, calls for a new beginning for regulation.

What the change in Westminster Government means for members in Scotland

By Jaki Lambert, Director, RCM Scotland on 19 July 2024 What, if anything, does the change in Westminster government mean to our members in Scotland? Does the fact that there is now a Labour government in Westminster and that the fifty-seven Scottish seats in Westminster have become a Labour majority ...

Protection during pregnancy

on 15 July 2024 As midwives, we do all we can to ensure that mother and baby are as healthy as possible during pregnancy and postnatally. One of the best parts of our armoury for doing that – and for setting baby up for life - is vaccination. RCM Professional Policy ...

A swift announcement on pay must be a priority for the new Government

By Alice Sorby, Director for Employment Relations on 10 July 2024 In his first speech as the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Wes Streeting said the NHS was 'broken' and that it will take a team effort to turn it around. There is no NHS without its staff and addressing the retention crisis has to ...