311-320 of 326 result(s)

The NHS Long Term Plan

By Gill Walton on 09 January 2019 The Government has finally published the NHS Long Term Plan, the purpose of which is to guide how the NHS in England develops over the next decade. You can find more information about the Plan at https://www.longtermplan.nhs.uk/
RCM Opinion

Each Baby Counts: Learn and Support

on 05 January 2019 We are delighted to inform you of an exciting opportunity for a midwife or obstetrician already working within a trust to be seconded to the newly established joint RCM/RCOG Each Baby Counts: Learn and Support Programme as a Local Development ...

England NHS staff survey – what have we learnt?

By Alice Sorby, Employment Relations Advisor on 04 January 2019 Last week the results of the 2018 England NHS staff survey were published. There is so much information in the survey that I won't attempt to address everything in one blog. Instead I want to focus on an area of real concern, the health and wellbeing ...
Global blog

Uganda - Letting the week unfold

By Gill Walton on 10 December 2018 This is my last day in Uganda, my first visit to Africa. My head is filled with thoughts and reflections -in a jumbled noisy way just like the street markets and the Kampala traffic!

Dhaka diary

By Joy Kemp on 13 September 2018 I'm back in Dhaka (Bangladesh), five weeks after my last visit in July, to help facilitate the first ever online election of executive officers for the Bangladesh Midwifery Society which is twinned with the Royal College of Midwives.
Global blog

World Health Worker Week

By Carmel Moran on 06 April 2018 Through our global midwifery projects we have been lucky enough to meet many dedicated and inspirational midwives across Nepal, Cambodia, Uganda, Malawi and Bangladesh, and representing them today we want to introduce Sangita.
Bangladesh Midwifery Society Twinning Project

Hello from Bangladesh!

By Isabelle Lemberger-Cooper on 21 March 2018 Isabelle Lemberger–Cooper is a research midwife from Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust, an RCM Steward, and is currently undertaking a volunteer placement as part of the RCM / Bangladesh Midwifery Society Twinning Project.