Welcome to the Research Hub
“Almost every element of our practice as midwives is based on research evidence. It is fundamental to what we do and how we do it. I want it to be fundamental to the RCM too, and that is why I’m proud of our Research and Development strategy. I am delighted that we are increasing the amount of advice and support we give to midwives and others working in maternity research. All of us have a vested interest in developing and contributing research that improves our practice as midwives, yet it can sometimes seem too daunting or difficult. This Research Hub provides resources and links to empower and encourage midwives to take an active role in research, to take the leap of faith our predecessors did. Midwifery-led research demonstrated the benefits of water births and removed routine episiotomies, not to mention all the other social and scientific work that midwives have contributed to. Whether it’s a small step, like completing a survey for a research study, or a giant leap, like embarking on a career in midwifery research, or doing a PhD, the RCM is here to support you”
Gill Walton, RCM Chief Executive
The RCM Research Team
Dr Sara Webb
I am the Head of Midwifery Information and Research Services at the RCM. I lead for the RCM Research Strategy and am committed to leading the development of a ‘clinical academic’ role for midwives and other allied health professionals. I am also responsible for editing the MIDIRS Digest and ensuring the MIDIRS Information service provides midwives and maternity health workers with evidence-based knowledge. Since become a registered midwife in 2000, I have had a special interest in female pelvic floor anatomy and physiology, the associated impact of pregnancy and childbirth, Childbirth Related Perineal Trauma (CRPT), with a special interest in obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASI).
E-mail: Sara.webb@rcm.org.uk
Twitter: @webbyali1 Sara Webb (@webbyali1) / Twitter
Jenny Cunningham
I am one of the part time Research Advisors at the RCM. Prior to this I was a clinical midwife, a research midwife, and a midwife researcher in the South West of England. I was also the RCM Learning Rep at my local hospital Trust. Since working for the RCM, I have led on the development of the RCM’s Research and Development strategy and am really motivated to help midwives get involved in research and for the RCM to be able to support them on their journey. I started a part time PhD at Kingston University in 2020 and am focusing on weight stigma in pregnancy.
E-mail: Jenny.cunningham@rcm.org.uk
Twitter: @djennymidwife Jenny Cunningham (@djennymidwife) / Twitter
Dr Jude Field
I work part time as one of the RCM Research Advisors. Prior to this I was a clinical midwife working at a Health Board in Wales. My PhD explored the way that planned home birth is offered to women and suggested how an ‘active offer’ of planned home birth could be made in order to ensure that all women are able to consider this birthplace option.
Since 2015 I have worked full-time as a Midwifery Lecturer for a University in Wales, and I have been continuing in this role part-time since joining the RCM in August 2021. I am moving on from my lecturing role to work as a Research Associate on an NIHR funded RCT to explore the clinical and cost effectiveness of a group-based intervention for women in NHS perinatal mental health services.
E-mail: Judith.field@rcm.org.uk
Twitter: @JudeField Dr Jude Field (@JudeField) / Twitter