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171-180 of 180 result(s)

Government must invest in staff and services to deliver better maternity care for Black and Asian women says RCM

18 April 2023 Investment and resources must be targeted towards reducing poorer outcomes for Black women in maternity care as a matter of urgency. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) responding to a report from the House of Commons ...

Midwives take maternity concerns to Scottish Parliament

28 April 2023 More investment is needed on multiple fronts to continue reducing smoking in pregnancy rates says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The College’s call follows today’s Government announcement of a financial incentive scheme to encourage ...

We must act and work together to make maternity care safe says RCM

20 July 2023 We owe it to all women and families to make sure they get safe and high-quality maternity care, and we must act together and quickly to make this a reality. That’s the message from the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) commenting on the Government’s ...

RCM to ask members how many extra hours they have worked

05 March 2024 Are you working additional hours without being paid for them? If so, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) wants to know. Last year RCM members told us that they had worked 100,000 extra unpaid hours in just one week to help keep NHS maternity ...

RCM tells politicians how to fix the midwifery staffing crisis with new pre-election guide

29 February 2024 'Ending the national midwife shortage is possible,’ says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) as it launches a new guide with solutions for the next UK Parliament. Low-cost solutions to improve working conditions for midwives, practical ...

RCM calls for action on staffing shortages and protecting pregnant migrant women in TUC Women’s Conference motions

09 March 2023 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) says the Government must fix England’s maternity staffing shortages which are hitting the safety of care, choice for women, and staff wellbeing. The call comes in an RCM motion to the TUC Women’s Conference ...

Safety, choice, and staff wellbeing must be focus of service reconfigurations, says RCM

23 May 2023 Updated guidance on what to consider when reconfiguring maternity services has been published today by the Royal College of Midwives.

Stop smoking incentive scheme a positive step but investment on many fronts needed says RCM

11 April 2023 More investment is needed on multiple fronts to continue reducing smoking in pregnancy rates says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The College’s call follows today’s Government announcement of a financial incentive scheme to encourage ...

Commissioning of report into Northern Ireland midwifery services ‘a step in the right direction,’ says RCM

24 May 2023 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has welcomed the Department of Health’s announcement today on the commissioning of a report into Northern Ireland’s midwifery services. The College sees this review, to be led by Professor Mary Renfrew, ...

RCM calls for more efforts to end discrimination in maternity and neonatal care

12 July 2023 A ‘doubling down’ of effort is needed to improve maternity and neonatal care and outcomes for Black, Asian and minority ethnic women, says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). The RCM’s call follows a report from the NHS Race and Health Observatory ...