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41-50 of 102 result(s)

RCM calls on Welsh Government for an urgent and significant pay rise for its members

23 June 2021 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) together with eight other trade unions in Wales have collectively called on the Welsh Government to give NHS staff an urgent, significant and well-earned pay rise. In an open letter delivered in person ...

Months overdue and still not enough says RCM on NHS pay award

21 July 2021 The RCM has responded to the Government’s pay award to NHS staff in England of a 3% pay rise with dismay and disappointment. The RCM has warned that this is not enough to counteract vacancies and prevent staff from leaving the profession for good, ...

It’s time to halt NHS staff exodus with game-changing pay rise, say health unions

24 January 2022 The mounting NHS staffing crisis and long waiting times will become permanent unless the government brings in a game-changing retention package, with an inflation-busting pay rise at its heart, say health unions today (Monday). In evidence ...

RCM urges Pay Review Body to consider bigger picture and staff crisis as it submits evidence

24 January 2022 Decent pay should be seen as part of a solution for recruitment and retention issues. This, alongside the impact of understaffing in maternity services, and the current cost of living crisis faced by members of the Royal College of Midwives ...

Calling all RCM Activists to support 1 April action on pay

23 March 2022 The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is calling on all its Activists to raise their voices on improving NHS pay on 1 April – and show that midwives are no fools. Friday 1 April may be April Fool’s Day, but it’s also the day RCM members, and other ...

Below inflation pay award ‘unacceptable’ says RCM

19 July 2022 The Government’s announcement of a 4% percent pay increase for midwives and maternity support workers (MSW) ‘is unacceptable and won’t cut it’ says the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). While the 4.75% increase is to the overall pay bill, ...

 RCM to consult members in Northern Ireland on appetite for industrial action  

10 October 2022 “If no pay award was implemented, would you be prepared to take industrial action?” That’s one of the questions the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) will ask its members in Northern Ireland next week when it launches a formal consultation on pay. The ...